1,095. Destroying Chometz

Chometz u’Matzah 2:1

There is a Torah obligation to destroy chometz before the time arrives when it is forbidden to be eaten as per Exodus 12:15, “On the first day, destroy leaven from your homes.” Our tradition is that “the first day” means 14 Nisan. This is supported by Exodus 34:25, “Do not slaughter the blood of My sacrifice with chometz,” which means that we may not offer the Passover sacrifice with chometz still in our possession, and the Passover sacrifice was slaughtered after midday on 14 Nisan.

Chometz u’Matzah 2:2

Destroying chometz means to nullify it in our hearts, considering it like dust, and resolving not to possess chometz. Any chometz in one’s possession is considered like dust, completely worthless.