1,089. More About Labor on 14 Nisan

Shvisas Yom Tov 8:20

If someone travels from a place where the practice is to perform labor 14 Nisan to a place where such is not the practice, he may not perform labor in a settled area as this will cause conflict but he may do so in the wilderness. If one travels from a place where the practice is not to perform to a place where the practice is to do so, he may not perform labor. To such a person we apply the stringencies of the place that he left and those of the place he arrived. Nevertheless, he should not make it as if he refrains from labor because it is prohibited. Once again, one should never deviate from the local practice because doing so causes conflict. Similarly, if one intends to return home, he should follow the practice of his own location, be it stringent or lenient, but he may not be seen doing so by the local residents, again to avoid conflict.

Shvisas Yom Tov 8:21

Objects may be brought to and from craftsmen’s homes on 14 Nisan after midday even if they are not needed for yom tov. One may rake manure from under his animals and bring it to the garbage dump. A nest may be made for chickens. If a chicken that sat on eggs for three or more days dies, another chicken may be placed on the eggs on 14 Nisan to keep them from spoiling, which is not permitted on chol hamoed. If a chicken leaves its eggs on chol hamoed, it may be returned to its place.