1,086. Various Other Labors on Chol Hamoed

Shvisas Yom Tov 8:14

A barrel may be sealed with tar to keep the wine from spoiling; the same is true of a jug since doing so is not strenuous. The mouth of a beer barrel may be sealed so that it doesn’t spoil. Figs may be covered with straw so that they don’t get ruined. A garment may be softened manually because doing so does not require a professional level of skill; the cuffs may not be tied because this does require a professional skill. The same is true in all similar cases.

Shvisas Yom Tov 8:15

One may trim the nails of a donkey that works in a mill and build an animal’s trough. It is permitted to trim the nails of a horse that one rides on and to comb its hair to make it look nice. Animals may not be mated on chol hamoed but their blood may be let. We do not refrain from allowing animals access to medical treatment. Anything that is not normally eaten or drunk by healthy people, but is only taken for medicinal purposes, may be consumed on chol hamoed.