1,077. Business Dealings on Chol HaMoed

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:21

The following are permitted to wash their clothes on chol hamoed: a zav and a zavah (i.e., a man and a woman who have experienced certain forms of discharge), a menstruant woman, a woman who has given birth and all everyone who comes out of a state of ritual impurity. If a person only has one garment, he may (and, arguably, should) wash it on chol hamoed. Hand towels, barber towels and bath towels may be laundered. The same is true of undergarments because they must be washed constantly. This is true even even if they were washed on the day before yom tov.

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:22

One may not engage in business dealings on chol hamoed, neither buying nor selling. If one is going to miss an opportunity that will no longer be available after yom tov, such as if ships or caravans have arrived or are preparing to leave so that they are selling their merchandise cheaply or buying at an inflated rate, then it is permitted. One may not buy buildings, servants or animals that are not needed for the holiday.