1,076. Cosmetics on Chol Hamoed

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:19

In all of the cases enumerated in halacha 7:18, if they had the opportunity to cut their hair before yom tov but neglected to do so, they may not do so on chol hamoed. However, when the time for a nazir or a metzora (“leper”) to shave has arrived, whether on yom tov or beforehand, they may shave on chol hamoed even if they had the opportunity to do so before yom tov. This is permitted so as not to delay them offering their sacrifices. Anyone who ends a state of ritual impurity and becomes ritually pure is allowed to cut his hair on chol hamoed. A child's hair may be cut on chol hamoed regardless of whether he was born on chol hamoed or beforehand. The kohanim on duty in the Temple who completed their week of service during chol hamoed may cut their hair because they are not permitted to do so during their week of service.

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:20

One may trim his mustache and nails on chol hamoed, even using an instrument. A woman is permitted to remove her underarm and pubic hair, either manually or with an instrument. She may likewise perform any cosmetic procedure on chol hamoed: painting her eyes, parting her hair, reddening her cheeks, and whitening her skin, etc., so long as whatever she does can be removed on chol hamoed.