1,075. Haircuts and Laundry on Chol Hamoed

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:17

We may not cut hair or wash clothes on chol hamoed. This is a rabbinic enactment out of concern that one might delay these things until chol hamoed would therefore enter the first days of yom tov in a disheveled condition. Therefore, if one was legitimately unable (as defined in the next halacha) to cut his hair or wash his clothes on the day before yom tov, he may do so on chol hamoed.

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:18

These are permitted to cut their hair and wash their clothes on chol hamoed: a mourner whose last day of shiva falls on yom tov, or even on erev yom tov that it is on Shabbos, when it is forbidden to cut hair; one who returns from overseas, so long as it was a business trip and not for pleasure; one who is released from captivity or prison; one who was under a ban (i.e., excommunication) that wasn’t lifted until chol hamoed; one who took an oath not to cut his hair or not to wash his clothes and he didn’t ask an authority to absolve him of his oath until chol hamoed.