1,074. The Deceased on Chol Hamoed

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:15

On chol hamoed we may take care of everything needed for a corpse: cutting his hair, washing shrouds and making a coffin. If there aren’t any boards for it, we may bring beams and cut boards from them, making sure to do so discreetly, indoors. If the coffin is for an important person, it may be made in public. It is not permitted to fell a tree in the forest in order to make boards for a coffin, nor may we quarry stones to make a grave.

Hilchos Shvisas Yom Tov 7:16

We do not inspect potential signs of tzaraas on chol hamoed because, should the person be declared impure, his holiday will turn from a time joy to one of mourning. On chol hamoed, we do not get married or perform yibum so that the joy of yom tov will not be overshadowed by the joy of the union. It is permitted to remarry a woman one previously divorced. One may betroth a woman on chol hamoed so long as he doesn’t make a feast, again so that other joy will not overshadow that of yom tov.