Ezras Avoseinu #3: Absolute Care for Absolutely Everyone

ברום עולם מושבך, ומשפטיך וצדקתך עד אפסי ארץ

At the zenith of the universe is Your dwelling, and Your justice and Your righteousness extend to the ends of the earth.


Although Hashem’s “dwelling place” is in the heights of the universe, His judgments and His righteousness reach the ends of the world.  The thought we express here is similar to that which we express in Hallel:

רם על כל גוים ה', על השמים כבודו. מי כה' אלוקינו, המגביהי לשבת. המשפילי לראות, בשמים ובארץ. מקימי מעפר דל, מאשפות ירים אביון.

High above all nations is Hashem; above the heavens is His glory.  Who is like Hashem, our G-d, Who is enthroned on high – yet deigns to look upon the heaven and the earth?  He raises needy from the dust, from the trash heaps He lifts the destitute.

The nations of the world believe G-d is so high that it is not fitting for Him to bother with us down here.  However, we know that Hashem is involved with even the lowest parts of the world.  This is what we are saying here in our segment.  Although Hashem’s “dwelling place” is in the exalted heights, nonetheless, His judgment and righteousness extend even to the lowest ends of the world.  For the lowest, Hashem cannot lead them with strict judgment.  Rather, He guides them with “tz’dakah.”  [Eitz Yosef in Rinas Chaim]

Integrating Mitzvos into Our Daily Lives

Part of the mitzvah of Bitachon is our trust that Hashem is, in fact, involved in every aspect of our lives at every moment.

A beautiful Meshech Chochmah in Parshas Eikev (D’varim 10:20) on the words “ובו תדבק–U’vo sidbak (and to Him shall you cleave)” connects bitachon and d’veikus.  A synopsis does not do it justice.  Therefore, one who can, should look it up and learn his words in the text.

He explains that Hashem, Who is our Father and our King, is more sensitive to our needs than we are.  He is concerned for our welfare more than we ourselves are.  He desires our success even more than we do (He created us to succeed), and He is All Capable.  If a person would internalize this completely, he would live a calm and serene life, assured that he is in the loving and total care of His Father, His King.  This is “d’veikus.”  He is not worried about anything, because what can his meager abilities achieve when compared to the abilities of His Creator, Who is “davuk” (attached) with him and sensitive to all that he is lacking and all that he needs in life on every level and in every aspect.  (Our role in putting forth effort will be discussed, b’ezras Hashem, in the future.)

The Meshech Chochmah then quotes the pasuk in T’hilim at the end of Perek 32:

רבים מכאובים לרשע, והבוטח בה' – חסד יסובבנו

Many are the sorrows of the wicked; but he that trusts in Hashem, mercy encompasses him.

He explains that d’veikus through bitachon can be accessed by each and every one of us, even a rasha (a wicked person).  Anyone who puts his trust and reliance on Hashem will be surrounded by His loving kindness in the matter for which he trusted and relied upon Hashem.

Once again, we must remember that bitachon is a lifetime process of growth.  Whatever level we are on now is our starting point.  We are required to work daily towards total and absolute serenity; but at the same time, we need to remember that growth must be slow and steady, not jumping levels too quickly.  We will, b’ezras Hashem, discuss practical methods to work towards this most desired state of serenity and d’veikus with Hashem (the ultimate purpose of life) through bitachon in coming segments.