Mishlei 1:9 and Torah’s protective quality

Shiur #8 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: Analysis of verse 1:9. Comparison of mitzvos to the body, and Torah to the mind and light. Apparent contradiction in gemaras regarding using Torah as a medicine or as a preventive measure, and several suggestions to explain this difficulty.

Citations: Besides the commentaries on Mishlei presented in the source packet, the following sources are referenced in this shiur: Gemara Yerushalmi Shabbos, found in the source packet on page 1, and gemara Nedarim 50a with the Maharsha, found in the source packet on page 1, and gemara Eruvin 54a, found in the source packet on page 2, and the Maharsha to Eruvin 54a, found in the source packet on page 4, and Kedushas Levi, found in the source packet on page 4, and Maharal’s Sefer Tiferes Yisroel found in the source packet on pages 2-3.