Praying for the sick and greeting the sick on Shabbos

Shiur #11 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: Permissibility of praying for the sick on shabbos. Appropriate language to be used when greeting a choleh. Recitation of psukim as preventive medicine versus as medication for extant ailments. Recitation to earn zechus of Talmud Torah, or as prayer,or recitation as an incantation.

Citations: Gemara Shabbos 12a and 12b, found in the source packets on page 1, and Beis Yosef (Orach Chaim siman 287) found in the source packets on page 1, and Rambam Hilchos Shabbos (24:5) found in the source packets on page 1, and Teshuvos Tsits Eliezer(5th chelek, Ramat Rachel: siman 14) found in the source packets on page 2- 4 , Tsits Eliezer (14th chelek, siman 48) found in the source packets on pages 4-10, and Tsits Eliezer (17th chelek, siman 30) found in the source packets on pages 10-14.