1,062. Honoring Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 6:15

Since the two days of yom tov outside of Israel are not observed out of doubt, the Rambam maintains that one may not make a conditional eiruv tavshilin, eiruv chatzeiros (for a courtyard), or a shittuf for an alley. One may likewise not conditionally tithe produce. All of these things may only be done on the day before yom tov.

Shvisas Yom Tov 6:16

Just as it is a mitzvah to honor and delight in Shabbos, it is a mitzvah to do so on yom tov as per Isaiah 58:13, “sanctified to God and honored.” This applies to every yom tov because they are referred to as “holy convocations.” The obligations to honor and delight are explained in Hilchos Shabbos chapter 30. It is appropriate to refrain from eating a meal in the afternoon on the day before yom tov the same as on Fridays because this is a sign of honor. One who treats yom tov disrespectfully is considered like one who associates with idolatry.