1,057. Acquiring Shares in an Eiruv Tavshilin for Others

Shvisas Yom Tov 6:5

An eiruv tavshilin must remain accessible until after one has cooked, baked and heated all the water that he will need for Shabbos. If the eiruv is eaten, lost or burned before one cooks or bakes, he may no longer bake, cook or heat water for Shabbos, only for yom tov. If a person has already started on a dough or a portion of food when the eiruv is eaten or lost, he may finish what he started.

Shvisas Yom Tov 6:6

If a person puts an eiruv tavshilin aside for himself and others to rely upon, he must grant the others a share in it the same way that one grants others a share in eiruvs used on Shabbos. (Refer to Hilchos Eiruvin 6:19-21, et al.) Whoever may acquire a share for others when it comes to Shabbos may also do so for an eiruv tavshilin; whoever cannot do so for Shabbos cannot do so for eiruv tavshilin.