1,049. An Eiruv Techumin on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:9

When a person makes an eiruv techumin to shift his personal boundary for yom tov, his animals, his utensils and his produce are all confined by the same boundary. These items may not be transported outside the 2,000 cubits in each direction from the place where he made his eiruv.

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:10

Ownerless objects are limited by the boundary of the person who acquires them. The boundary of a non-Jew’s property is based on its location when yom tov begins, being permitted 2,000 cubits in each direction from that spot. The Sages enacted such a law regarding a non-Jew’s property as a preventive measure regarding a Jew’s property. If produce was taken outside the yom tov boundary and then returned – even if this was done with the intention to violate the laws of yom tov – there is no restriction against then continuing to move it within the yom tov boundary. It is the same as a person who was taken beyond the yom tov boundary against his will and then returned against his will.