1,046. Maris Ayin on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:3

On yom tov, one may not direct an animal using a staff, a blind person may not go out with a cane, and a shepherd may not carry his pack. Neither a man nor a woman may be carried in a chair so that we will not come to act in the normal weekday manner. If person’s presence is required by the masses, he may be carried on a chair or on someone’s back. Similarly, he may be carried in a litter, even borne on people's shoulders.

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:4

We may not move a ladder from one bird coop to another in the public domain out of concern that passersby may think that one is doing so in order to repair his roof. It is permitted to move a ladder this way in a private domain. Even though the things that the Sages prohibited to keep spectators from getting the wrong idea (maris ayin) also apply even in the most private places, they were lenient in this case in order to facilitate yom tov joy.