Qualifications to rule in Jewish Law and the prohibition of teaching Torah to a gentile

Shiur #21 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: The ills of “poskining” when not fit to do so. The ills of “poskining” from later sources without knowing the fundamentals recorded in the Talmud. The prohibition of teaching Torah to a gentile.

Citations: Teshuvos Rivash (siman 44), found in the source packet on page 1, and Teshuvos Yabia Omer (1st chelek, Orach Chaim, Divrei Psichah) found in the source packet on pages 1-2, and Gemara Chagigah 13a with Tosfos and Maharsha, found in the source packet on page 2.