1,045. Carrying a Load on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:1

While the Torah permits us to carry on yom tov even when unnecessary, one should not carry heavy loads as one does on a weekday. Rather, one should depart from the normal practice. If this is not possible, then carrying a load is permitted. For example, one who brings jugs of wine from place to place should not transport them in a basket as one normally would; he should carry them on his shoulder or in front of him instead. One who carries hay should not throw the bale over his shoulder; he should carry it in his hands instead.

Shvisas Yom Tov 5:2

Loads that one would normally carry on a pole should be carried on one’s back. Loads that are normally carried on the back should be carried on the shoulder. Loads that one normally carries on the shoulder should be carried in one's hands in front of him, or a cloth should be spread over them. If it is not possible to depart from the usual manner of carrying a load, it may be carried in the regular way. This is the case when a human being is carrying the load; if an animal is carrying the load, it may not be transported so that one will not follow the usual weekday practice.