1,044. Suing to Collect for Merchandise Given on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:25

One may sue in beis din for the payment of merchandise given on yom tov. This is permitted because if it were not, no one would ever give anyone anything on yom tov, which would keep people from being able to rejoice on the holiday.

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:26

Even though it is prohibited to separate terumah and tithes on yom tov, if one has terumah or tithes that he separated before yom tov, he may give them to a kohein on yom tov. It goes without saying that one may give challah and the kohanic portions of an animal to a kohein on yom tov (since one is permitted to make dough and to slaughter animals on yom tov). Charity collectors may collect food from residents of courtyards on yom tov but they may not make announcements as they do on weekdays. Rather, they should collect more discreetly, take the donations given to them, and distribute them to each neighborhood individually.