1,041. Dividing an Animal on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:19

The Sages prohibited many things on yom tov out of concern that people would become involved in business affairs. For example, one should not set a price for an animal on yom tov. Rather, one should bring two animals of equal value, slaughter one and divide the meat among the interested customers. After yom tov, the price should be determined based on the remaining animal, each customer paying for what he took. When dividing the meat, the customers should not say, "I’ll take a sela worth, you take two selas worth" because it is forbidden to bring money into the discussion. Rather, one person takes a third of the animal, another takes a quarter of the animal, etc.

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:20

When dividing the meat, it may not be weighed on a scale, a scale being prohibited for use on yom tov. When a scale is hanging, one may not even place meat on it to protect it from mice because it appears that one is weighing. An expert butcher may not weigh meat by hand, nor may one weigh meat by displacing the water in a vessel. We may not cast lots to choose our portions on yom tov but the kohanim could cast lots for the sacrificial portions in order to foster love for the mitzvah.