1,040. Immersing Ritually-Impure Utensils on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:17

If a utensil is rendered ritually impure on the day before yom tov, it is not permitted to immerse it on yom tov. This was prohibited out a concern that one would leave such things for yom tov. However, if one needs to immerse the water that is in a vessel, he may immerse the vessel together with it without any hesitation. One is permitted to immerse a utensil that was ritually pure for use with terumah so that it may be used for offerings (which is a higher degree of sanctity). The same is true with other immersions that are intended to raise a utensil to a higher degree of sanctity.

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:18

If a utensil is rendered ritually impure on yom tov, it may be immersed on that day. If a utensil is rendered ritually impure because of contact with liquids that are a second-degree of impurity, it may be immersed on yom tov because it is ritually pure under Biblical law, as is explained in Hilchos Sh’ar Avos HaTuma 7:1-2. Water may be drawn using a ritually impure bucket even though doing so renders it ritually pure. If a woman who is ritually impure from her monthly cycle has no ritually-pure clothes to change into after going to the mikva, she may act disingenuously and immerse in her clothes.