1,039. Delivering an Animal on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:15

Similar to the case in halacha 4:14, when it comes to a pot, one should hold the pot and place the stones to support it underneath; the pot may not be placed on the stones. Similarly, when assembling a bed, one holds the frame up and slips the legs under it. Even when it comes stacking eggs, one does not stack row upon row until he has built a tower. Rather, one deviates from the normal manner and stacks from the top down. All comparable scenarios require a similar deviation from the normal manner.

Shvisas Yom Tov 4:16

On yom tov, it is permitted to remove fleas from an animal’s skin even though doing so causes a wound. One may not deliver an animal on yom tov but one may assist the animal giving birth. For example, one may hold a calf to keep it from falling to the ground, blow in its nostrils, and place the teat in its mouth. If the newborn animal is of a kosher species and the mother rejects it, we may pour the afterbirth over it and put a chunk of salt in her womb to make her act mercifully towards it. This may not be done for a non-kosher species of animal as it will not be effective.