The yetser hara and ordeals of great people

Shiur #30 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: Verse 22:13. Special attention the yetser hara pays to Talmidei Chachomim. Kol ha-gadol mi-chaveiro, yitsro gadol he-meno. Is there value in putting oneself into a nisayon, in order to withstand the ordeal and thereby earn reward? Connection to the debate of lesisah – soaking wheat kernels to soften the shells in the process of preparing matzah for Pesach - forbidden, allowed, or required? This debate over lesisah is a mashal for conquering the yetser hara by fighting it instead of avoiding it altogether.

Citations: Besides the commentaries related to Mishlei, the following sources are also referenced in this shiur: Gemarah Sukkah 52a with Rashi, found in the source packets on pages 1-2, and Gemarah Avodah Zarah 17a with Rashi, found in the source packet on pages 2-3, and Rambam Hilchos Isurei Biah (22:21), found in the source packet on page 3, and the Maharsha to Avodah Zarah 17a, found in the source packet on page 3, and Gemarah Pesachim 40a, found in the source packet on pages 3-4, and Chayei Adam [Klal 143 (Hilchos Yom Kipur), 1st halacha], found in the source packet on page 4, and Pri Tzadik (Parshas Terumah), found in the source packet on pages 4-5.