1,031. Filtering on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 3:16

The rule about separating (in halacha 3:15) only applies when the edible portion outnumbers the refuse. If the refuse outnumbers the edible portion, one should separate the edible part and leave over the refuse. If it takes more effort to separate the refuse from the food than it does to separate the food from the refuse, then one should separate the food from the refuse even if the edible portion is greater.

Shvisas Yom Tov 3:17

One may not filter mustard using a utensil specially designated for that purpose because it looks as if he is violating the prohibition against selecting on yom tov. One may put a raw egg in the strainer with it and the mustard will be filtered incidentally. If the filter was already suspended, one may filter wine through it on yom tov but one may not suspend the filter on yom tov itself, which is the regular weekday practice. One may act disingenuously in this matter, suspending the filter to hold pomegranates, using it for that purpose, and then putting the wine dregs into it.