1,026. Skinning an Animal on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 3:6

When skinning an animal on yom tov, one may not do so by making a hole in the animal’s foot and removing all the meat through this hole in order to leave the hide intact and untorn. The reason this is prohibited is because in entails a great deal of work that is not needed for yom tov. Similarly, one is not permitted to cut a handle into the meat (to make it easier to carry). This is only prohibited when the butcher does so using a knife, which keeps him from cutting the meat in the normal way. He may, however, make signs in the meat (so that portions for different people can be distinguished).

Shvisas Yom Tov 3:7

It is permitted to pour hot water over the head and the feet of the slaughtered animal and to singe its hair with fire, but one may not use lime, clay or sand, nor a pair of scissors. A vegetable may not be cut decoratively on yom tov but one may decoratively trim thorny foods like artichokes or thistles.