1,024. Slaughtering Wild Animals on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 3:2

If a person slaughtered a wild animal or a bird before yom tov, the blood may not be covered on yom tov. If one slaughtered both a domesticated animal and a wild animal or a bird on yom tov and the blood got mixed, he may not cover it until after yom tov. If he had dirt or ash that was prepared and he can cover it all with one shovelful, he does so.

Shvisas Yom Tov 3:3

One who slaughters an animal on yom tov may manually remove the wool from the place where he intends to slaughter it so long as he does not remove it from its place. Rather, he leaves it tangled there with the rest of the wool on the animal's neck. When slaughtering a bird, one may not remove the feathers because this is the normal weekday procedure. If one does so, he violates the prohibition against tearing on yom tov.