1,021. More About Firewood on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 2:14

One may take wood that was placed by the walls of a shed for use as kindling but one may not bring it from the fields even if it was gathered there on the day before yom tov. One may pick up wood that is lying before him in a field and light it there. One may also bring firewood from a private domain, even if it was not enclosed for dwelling purposes, as long as it has a fence with a gate and is located within the Shabbos boundary. If any of these conditions are not fulfilled, it is muktzeh.

Shvisas Yom Tov 2:15

Even if the leaves of reeds or vines have been gathered in a yard, since they can be scattered by the wind it’s like they are already scattered and they may not be used. However, if one places something heavy on them before yom tov, they may be used.