Shabbat: D-E - Doors, Elevators, Exercise

Doors, Replacing 

Due to the melacha of boneh (building), on Shabbat you may not replace a:

Door onto its hinges, or

Sliding door onto its track.

Door Knocker

You may not use a knocker on a door on Shabbat. You may knock on a door using your fist or knuckles.

Dragging Heavy Objects

You may drag heavy objects over soil on Shabbat, but only if:

You don't intend to make furrows, and

Doing so will not inevitably (psik reisha) make a furrow.

Electric Eyes

You may walk into the path of an electric eye if it only prevents a door from closing but not if it causes the door to open.

Electricity/Electrical Devices: Turning Off

You may not turn off or disconnect an operating electrical device (such as an alarm, appliance, light, oven, or any machinery) on Shabbat, even using a shinui and even if the noise will prevent you from sleeping. You may ask a non-Jew to turn it off, but you may not ask a Jew, not even a child below bar/bat mitzva age.

NOTE: If the device catches on fire, you may call the fire department or unplug it. However, there must be an actual danger or actual fire in order for you to disconnect it yourself.  You may not disconnect the device if there is only a chance that it will catch fire.


You may ride on an elevator if:

The elevator stops at all floors, or

A non-Jew pushes the button in order to ride the elevator himself.

NOTE: You may get off only on the floor at which the non-Jew stopped; you may not have him or her push the button for a different floor for you.

NOTE: You must enter the elevator while the door is already open but has not yet begun to close, even if your presence keeps the door open but not if it will cause the door to open.

NOTE: You may not ride an elevator at all if a Jew pushes the button to any floor.


You may ride escalators on Shabbat if they:

Run constantly, and

Are not controlled by a foot treadle or an electric eye.


You may not exercise on Shabbat to strengthen your body. You may exercise on Shabbat for enjoyment, for socializing, or other fun purposes if:

No melacha is involved, and

It does not appear to be for healing (refu'a) or health purposes.

EXAMPLE: You may run on Shabbat if you like to run. You may not run on Shabbat if you don't like running but would do it to lose weight or to get in shape.

Roller Blading

You may roller blade on Shabbat.


You may swing and fly on a trapeze on Shabbat.


You may not swim on Shabbat.


You may change weights on barbells or on a completely mechanical (no electrical parts, no timers or indicators) weight machine on Shabbat.


You may stretch on Shabbat (and Jewish festivals) to make yourself more comfortable but not if it appears that  you are doing it as exercise for health.

Copyright 2015 Richard B. Aiken. Halacha L’Maaseh appears courtesy of Visit their web site for more information.