1,015. Inspecting Animals on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 2:2

In a case where animals graze outside a city’s Shabbos boundary but they return to sleep inside the city, they may be designated for use on yom tov; such animals may then be slaughtered on yom tov. However, when animals both graze and sleep outside the city’s boundary, they may not be slaughtered a yom tov should they enter the city. Such animals are muktzeh because the residents’ attention isn’t on them.

Shvisas Yom Tov 2:3

Similarly, if a consecrated animal became blemished on yom tov, it may not be slaughtered that day because one did not intend prior to yom tov that he would eat it. It is therefore prohibited to inspect a consecrated animal’s blemishes on yom tov out of concern that the expert will rule the blemish permanent and permit the animal for use, so the owner will slaughter it immediately. However, if an expert examines a blemish on the day before yom tov, he may issue his ruling on yom tov, permitting or prohibiting the animal.