1,008. Cooking for Non-Jews on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 1:12

If a person has an animal that is in danger of dying, he may not slaughter it on yom tov unless he knows that he will be able to eat an olive-sized portion of its meat roasted before yom tov ends. This keeps him from slaughtering an animal on yom tov for consumption on weekdays. The same idea holds true in comparable situations.

Shvisas Yom Tov 1:13

We may not cook or bake on yom tov for non-Jews or for our pets as per Exodus 12:16, “Only this is permitted for you.” “For you” specifies that Jews may only cook for their own needs, as opposed to cooking for non-Jews or for animals. Because of this, it is permitted to invite a non-Jew for a meal on Shabbos but not on a yom tov out of concern that one will cook additional food impermissibly. However, if a non-Jew shows up on his own, he may be fed together with the Jews because the food has already been prepared.