1,003. Performing Labor on Yom Tov

Shvisas Yom Tov 1:2

If a person refrains from acts of labor on one of these days categorized as yom tov, he fulfills a Torah obligation because the Torah considers them like Sabbaths, meaning days on which we rest. If, on one of these days, one performs an act of labor other than for food preparation – e.g., building, demolishing, weaving, etc. – he not only fails to fulfill the obligation, he violates a prohibition as per Leviticus 23:7, “You shall not perform any act of labor," and Exodus 12:6, “You shall not perform any labor on them.” If one performs an act of labor in the sight of witnesses after being warned, he would be liable to the penalty of lashes.

Shvisas Yom Tov 1:3

If a person performs several different acts of labor on yom tov after receiving one warning, such as if he planted, built, demolished and wove after receiving one warning, he only receives one set of lashes. There is a distinction between the different categories of labor when it comes to Shabbos but this is not the case when it comes to yom tov.