The Torah View of Wealth and Honor

Shiur #59 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: Mishlei verse 3:16. The consequences of learning Torah lishmah, versus not lishmah. The existence and size of reward for an action is one of the measures by which we value things. Insights into da'as Torah and how we should view advice gleaned from very brief interactions with gedolei Yisroel.

Citations: Besides the commentaries related to Mishlei, the following sources are also referenced in this shiur: gemara Shabbos 63a, found in the source packets on page 1, and Chasam Sofer, Shabbos 63a, found in the source packets on page 2, and Teshuvas Meishiv Davar, 1st chelek, siman 46, found in the source packets on pages 2-3.