994. Food That Is Not Fit to Eat

Shvisas Asor 2:5

If a person eats or drinks things that are not fit for human consumption, like undiluted vinegar, he is not liable for kareis even if he eats or drinks a significant volume, though he is given lashes for acting rebelliously.

Shvisas Asor 2:6

One who drinks vinegar diluted with water is liable. One who chews dried pepper, dried ginger, or similar such things is not liable but one who chews fresh ginger is liable. If a person eats leaves of the vine, he is not liable but if he eats buds of the vine, he is liable. “Buds of the vine” refers to those that sprout in Israel from Rosh Hashana through Yom Kippur. If they sprout earlier, they are considered like wood and one would not be liable. The same is true in comparable scenarios.