993. Eating Less or Intermittently

Shvisas Asor 2:3

If a person eats or drinks less than the volumes discussed above (in halacha 2:1), he is not liable for the penalty of kareis (excision). Even though the Torah prohibits eating or drinking even smaller volumes, one is only liable for kareis if he eats a date-sized volume or drinks a cheekful. One who eats or drinks a smaller volume than this is given lashes for acting rebelliously.

Shvisas Asor 2:4

Let’s say that a person eats a little bit, stops, and then resumes. If the time from when he starts eating until he finishes is less than the amount of time that it would take to eat bread and condiment equal in volume to three eggs, then the food he ate is counted as one portion (and their volumes combine). If the time is longer than this, then what he ate is counted as separate portions (and their volumes do not combine). The same applies when a person drinks, stops and resumes. If the time from when he starts drinking until he finishes is less than the time it would take to drink a reviis (about 3.3 ounces), then all the liquid that he drinks is considered a single portion (and therefore counted together); if not, then not.