Darchei Noam as used in halachah

Shiur #69 in Rav Aharon Kahn’s Hashkafah Series Based on Mishlei with Biur HaGra.

Content Description: Dracheha darchei noam is used to clarify which of several possible explanations of a verse is correct. It does not mean that every halachah in Torah is going to be pleasant. Discussion of the machlokess Amoraim over which verse to quote to make this point.

Citations: This shiur references the following sources: Rashi in Gemara Yevamos, found in the source packets on page 1, and Gemara Sukkah 32a with Rashi, found in the source packets on page 1, and Sfas Emes to Gemara Sukkah 32b, found in the source packets on pages 1-2, and Gemara Sukkah 32b with Rashi, Tosfos and Aruch LaNer, found in the source packets on pages 2-3.