980. Students in Yeshiva

Eiruvin 7:9

The statement that a person who wants to designate a location as his Shabbos base from a distance need merely set out towards that spot does not mean that he must physically leave and start walking through the fields. Even if he only descended from his attic with the intention to travel to that place and, before he left the confines of his courtyard, a friend turned him back, he is considered as having set out for that spot, so he may establish his Shabbos base there. When one designates his Shabbos base from a distance, he need not explicitly state that such and such location is his Shabbos base. Rather, it is sufficient if he makes a mental decision and set out for that location. Of course, if a person actually traveled to a place and stood there, he certainly designates it as his Shabbos base without any verbal declaration. A mental decision is sufficient to accomplish this.

Eiruvin 7:10

Regarding students who sleep in the study hall but who eat their Shabbos meals in houses located in the fields and vineyards where people host travelers, the place where they sleep is their Shabbos base, and not the place where they eat. They may proceed 2,000 cubits in every direction from the study hall. The reason for this is that if it were possible, they would also eat in the study hall and not go to the fields at all. The students consider the study hall to be their place of residence.