973. Making an Eiruv Through a Shopkeeper

Eiruvin 6:19

Anyone who is able to take possession of a share for the eiruv of a courtyard is also able to take possession for purposes of eiruvei techumin. Conversely, one who is not able to take possession for the eiruv of a courtyard may not do so for eiruvei techumin.

Eiruvin 6:20

One may give a ma’ah (a denomination of coin) to a homeowner so that he will purchase a loaf of bread and use it to make an eiruv techumin for him. If he gives the money to a shopkeeper or a baker and tells him to have someone acquire a share in the eiruv for him, we do not consider the eiruv to have been made. However, if he tells him, “Make an eiruv for me with this ma'ah,” we assume that the shopkeeper or baker will use the money to buy bread or other food and make the eiruv for him. If he gave the shopkeeper or baker a utensil with instructions to exchange it for food and make an eiruv for him, we assume that he has made the eiruv as instructed.