972. An Eiruv in a Cemetery

Eiruvin 6:17

An eiruv placed in a cemetery is invalid because we are not allowed to derive benefit from a cemetery. Since one wants the eiruv to be preserved in the cemetery, he is deriving benefit from it. If an eiruv is placed in a field containing a grave that was plowed (and which may have spread some of the deceased’s remains), it is valid - even for a kohein because he can enter this field in an enclosed compartment, or he can sift the ground in front of him as he goes.

Eiruvin 6:18

If a group of people want to join together in making an eiruv techumin, each of them must contribute enough food for two meals, placing all the food in a single container, which can be deposited wherever they desire. If one person wants to make an eiruv on behalf of a number of other people, he must grant each of them a share through another person, and they must be notified. An eiruv techumin may not be made for another person without his consent because of the possibility that he won’t want an eiruv made in the direction that the first person has chosen. If the second person is notified before Shabbos begins, the eiruv is valid even if he did not voice his consent until after nightfall. If he was not notified about the eiruv until after nightfall, he may not use it because an eiruv cannot be made after nightfall.