Resources for Rosh Hashana daf 30

Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman

  1. The גמרא says that the בית המקדש can be rebuilt on יו"ט. רש"י in ד"ה לא צריכא writes that the although we are not allowed to build the בית המקדש on יו"ט, the third בית המקדש will not be built by man, rather by Hashem Himself and it will come down from שמים. See the מאירי here and in סוכה דף מ"א ע''א who disagrees and says that it might be built on יו"ט if ב"ד, out of their love for the mitzvah, errs and tells people they can build it on יו"ט. See the ערוך לנר in סוכה דף מ"א ע''א who asks how רש"י could be correct if we always daven with the נוסח of בנין בית המקדש, yet according to רש"י it is already built and just waiting to come down? See the שיח יצחק in the סידור הגר"א who gives a beautiful interpretation in the מוסף of the ג ' רגלים. He says this is what we refer to when we say והראינו בבנינו ושמחינו בתיקונו. We don’t only ask to see the rebuilt בית המקדש but to actually participate in at least some תיקונים. According to the מהרי"ל דיסקין, this refers to the gates of the בית המקדש that were hidden and will be rebuilt by the yidden themselves לעתיד לבא.


  1. The משנה says that once the witnesses came late and נתקלקלו הלוים בשיר. The גמרא brings a מחלוקת about the nature of the קלקול. The “הכא תרגימו” hold that they didn’t say שירה at all, whereas ר' זירא says they said the wrong שיר. There is a famous מאירי in מסכת מגילה on דף י"ד who comments on the מחלוקת brought in the גמרא there why we don’t recite הלל on Purim. One opinion holds it is because we weren’t fully free as we were still under אחשורוש’s rule. The other opinion holds that we don’t read it on Purim since reading the מגילה is in-and-of-itself a form of הלל. The מאירי says that according to the second opinion, if one did not have a מגילה, one would need to recite הלל. See the שות שערי דעה חא סעיט who asks on this מאירי based on our גמרא.  In our גמרא, when they didn’t know what שיר to say, according to the הכא תרגימו, they said nothing.  The obligation to recite שיר on a קרבן is דאורייתא, whereas the specific שיר to sing is only דרבנן. If so, why didn’t they say anyשיר  to at least be יוצא the דין דאורייתא? We see from here that if the רבנן tell you how to do a מצוה and you can’t do so the prescribed manner, you are פּטור even from the דאורייתא. This is against the פּרי מגדים בפּתיחה כוללת who says that חז"ל did not create a מצוה דרבנן to get rid of the דאורייתא when there is no alternative. We see this from the case in סוכה where the חכמים made a ברכה on a סוכה that was made with סכך פּסול מדרבנן since אין שעת הדחק ראיה.


  1. The גמרא says that everyone must blow the שופר on יובל but not on ראש השנה. Most ראשונים understand this to mean that on יובל it isn’t just a חיוב on ב''ד, rather it is even a חיוב on each individual to hear the שופר. However, see the ריטב''א who says that it means you must actually blow the shofar yourself on יובל and cannot be יוצא with שמיעה.


Click here to download daf summary by Rabbi Chaim Smulowitz (in PDF)

Click here to download Shaklya v'Tarya Summary by Rabbi Yaakov Blumenfeld (in PDF)