955. Making a Shittuf with One of Two Alleys

Eiruvin 5:7

Continuing the case of a courtyard that opens to two alleys, if the residents of the courtyard made a shittuf with this alley from one entrance and they made another shittuf with that alley from the other entrance, they may carry to and from both alleys and the residents of each alley may carry in the courtyard. However, the residents of the alleys may not carry from one alley to the other. If the residents of the courtyard did not make a shittuf with either alley, they impede the residents of both alleys from carrying.

Eiruvin 5:8

Let’s say that the residents of the courtyard usually use one entrance and not the other. In such a case, they impede carrying in the alley they pass through by using their usual entrance and not in the other alley, which is accessed by the entrance they don’t normally use. If they made a shittuf only with the alley they do not usually access, then the residents of the other alley may carry. In such a case, they do not need to make a shittuf with the courtyard.