948. Forgetting to Participate in the Inner or Outer Eiruv

Eiruvin 4:20

(Continuing from halacha 4:19, involving an inner and an outer courtyard.) If each courtyard makes its own eiruv but one of the residents of the outer courtyard forgot to join in his group’s eiruv, those who live in the inner courtyard may still carry. However, if one of the inner courtyard residents forgot to join his group’s eiruv, the residents of the outer courtyard may also not carry. This is because the residents of the inner courtyard, who do not have a valid eiruv, have rights to pass through the outer courtyard.

Eiruvin 4:21

If both courtyards make a single eiruv together, then if the eiruv is placed in the outer courtyard and a resident of either courtyard forgets to participate in it, the residents of both courtyards are impeded from carrying unless he gives up his property rights in favor of the others. As stated in halacha 2:5, a person can forgo ownership in one courtyard in favor of one who lives in another. If the eiruv is placed in the inner courtyard, then if one of the outer residents did not participate in the eiruv, the outer courtyard residents may not carry while the inner residents may carry in their own courtyard. If one of the inner residents did not participate in the eiruv, no one in either courtyard may carry unless he forgoes his ownership rights in their favor.