944. Residents Who Go Away for Shabbos

Eiruvin 4:12

Even if one of the residents of a courtyard is dying and it’s apparent that he won’t last the day, his presence impedes the other residents’ ability to carry unless they acquire a portion in a loaf of bread on his behalf in order to include him in the eiruv. Similarly, if a minor owns a home in the courtyard, even though he cannot eat an olive-sized portion of food, his presence impedes the others’ ability to carry unless the others include him in the eiruv. A guest, however, does not impede the residents’ ability to carry, as was explained in halacha 2:1.

Eiruvin 4:13

Let’s say that one of the residents of a courtyard goes away for Shabbos and stays elsewhere - even in a courtyard next door to his own. If he had no plans to return to his house on Shabbos, he does not impede the other residents’ ability to carry. This is only the case with a Jewish resident; a non-Jewish resident impedes the other residents’ ability to carry even if he spends Shabbos in another city unless his property is rented from him. This because the possibility always exists that he might return on Shabbos.