Shabbat Dinner

Shalom Aleichem and Eishet Chayil

A widespread (but not universal) custom before kiddush is to sing "Shalom Aleichem"; many men also sing "Eishet Chayil."

Blessing the Children

A widespread custom is for parents to bless their children before kiddush on Friday night.

Eating from the Start of Shabbat until Kiddush

Once Shabbat begins for you—either at sunset or before (such as if you lit Shabbat candles)--you may not eat or drink before hearing kiddush.  

NOTE: Women and girls may make kiddush anytime after lighting candles.

How To Do Shabbat Evening Kiddush

To fulfill the two requirements for Shabbat evening kiddush:

  1. Say, or hear, the Shabbat evening kiddush blessings/segments:
    • Borei pri ha'gafen (on wine or grape juice only), OR Ha'motzi (on two challot if you have no wine or grape juice, as chamar medina is not permitted for Shabbat evening kiddush. AND
    • Mekadeish HaShabbat.
  2. Establish a halachic“meal” (kovei'a se'uda) by either:
    • Drinking 4 fl. oz. (119 ml) of wine (or grape juice) within 30 seconds, OR
    • Eating at least 1.9 fl. oz. (56 ml) of bread or mezonotof any type (within 4 minutes) shortly after saying or hearing kiddush.

NOTE: For evening kiddush, the custom is to go straight to the meal without delay (with no mezonot or snacking first). B'di'avad if you snacked, it is still OK.

What To Drink for Shabbat Dinner Kiddush

Wine (or grape juice) is the only drink permissible for Friday evening (or Jewish festival eveningkiddushIf you do not have wine or grape juice with which to make evening kiddush, see Challot for Evening Kidduh.

Challot for Evening Kiddush

To use two challot for kiddush instead of wine:

  • Wash hands and say blessing al netilat yadayim.
  • Say kiddushbut substitute ha'motzi for borei pri ha'gafen.
  • As soon as you finish sayingkiddush, eat the bread as normal.

Copyright 2015 Richard B. Aiken. Halacha L’Maaseh appears courtesy of Visit their web site for more information.