924. A Landlord and Tenant

Eiruvin 2:13

If two Jews and a non-Jew share a courtyard and one of the Jews rented the non-Jew’s property on Shabbos, he may forgo his own ownership rights in favor of the other Jew, which then permits carrying. Similarly, if the non-Jew dies on Shabbos, one Jew may forgo his ownership rights in favor of the other, thereby enabling carrying.

Eiruvin 2:14

Let’s say that one non-Jew rented his property to another non-Jew. If it is not possible for the landlord to evict the tenant until the rental term has concluded, then we must rent the property from the tenant, as he takes the role of owner. If the landlord can evict the tenant at any time, then if the tenant is not present, the Jewish residents of the courtyard may carry if they rent the property from the landlord.