906. The Importance of Shabbos

Shabbos 30:14

Marital relations are an aspect of Shabbos pleasure. Healthy Torah scholars fulfill their marital obligations on Friday nights. It is permitted to have marital relations with a virgin for the first time on Shabbos; neither the possibility of making a wound nor causing pain precludes this.

Shabbos 30:15

Keeping Shabbos and not worshiping idols are each equal to keeping all the mitzvos in the Torah. Additionally, Shabbos is the eternal sign between God and the Jewish people. Because of this, one who transgresses other mitzvos may be considered wicked but one who desecrates Shabbos is considered as an idolator; both of them are considered as if non-Jewish. The prophets praised keeping Shabbos, saying “Happy is the one who does the following, and the person who holds tight to it, keeping Shabbos without desecrating it...” (Isaiah 56:2). Anyone who observes Shabbos according to the law, and honors and delights in it according to his means, will be rewarded in both this world and the Next World. Isaiah 58:14 says, “Then you will delight in God. I will cause you to ride on the high places of the land, and I will nourish you with the heritage of your father Jacob; the mouth of God has spoken.”