902. Preparing for Shabbos

Shabbos 30:6

Even a very important person who doesn’t normally go shopping or do housework is obligated to perform some tasks personally to prepare for Shabbos. The Sages of previous generations would cook, salt meat, make wicks and kindle the lights. Others would go out and buy food and drink for Shabbos even though this was not their usual practice. The more one involves himself in Shabbos preparations, the more praiseworthy it is.

Shabbos 30:7

Delight refers to the rabbinic statement that one must prepare more extravagant food and drink than usual for Shabbos. Everything must be within one’s financial means. The more one spends on Shabbos and the more effort he exerts in preparation, the more praiseworthy it is. If one’s means do not permit this and he makes a simple stew in honor of Shabbos, it is also considered Shabbos delight. One is not obligated to go to great lengths or to borrow money in order to have more food for Shabbos. The Sages said that it would be better for one’s Shabbos meals to be like weekday meals than to depend on others.