898. Havdalah Following Yom Tov

Shabbos 29:27

We may recite the bracha over a flame that was lit on Shabbos for the sake of a sick person or for a woman who has given birth. On Saturday night, we may recite the bracha over a light made from wood or stone because this was the way fire was first made by man. We may not, however, recite a bracha over such a flame for havdalah after Yom Kippur because after Yom Kippur, we require a light that has rested. However, if a fire was lit on Yom Kippur for a sick person or for a woman who gave birth, we may recite the bracha on it because it was lit permissibly.

Shabbos 29:28

When a yom tov falls in the middle of the week, the text of havdalah is “Who distinguishes between the holy and the mundane, between light and darkness, between Israel and the other nations, between Shabbos and the six days of activity...,” the same as following Shabbos. When havdalah is recited following yom tov, we do not recite the bracha over spices or fire. Similarly, we do not recite the bracha over spices after Yom Kippur.