894. Kiddush on Holidays

Shabbos 29:19

At this point, the Rambam provides the text of the kiddush we recite on yom tov:

"Blessed are You, Hashem our God, King of the universe, Who has chosen us of all nations and elevated us above people of all languages. He chose us and made us great, showing us favor and glorifying us. Hashem our God gave us, with love,  festivals for rejoicing, holidays and seasons of gladness, this festive day of holy gathering, the holiday of matzos/Shavuos/Succos, the season of our freedom/the giving of our Torah/our joy - in love, to commemorate the exodus from Egypt. You have chosen us and sanctified us of all nations and given us as an inheritance Your holy seasons for rejoicing and gladness. Bless are You, Hashem, who sanctifies Israel and the seasons."

When yom tov coincides with Shabbos, we also acknowledge Shabbos in kiddush and in the amidah, which then conclude, "Who sanctifies Shabbos, Israel and the seasons."

Shabbos 29:20

On Rosh Hashana, we say:

"...our God gave us with love this day of holy gathering for remembrance, to recall sounding (the shofar), a holy gathering in love, to commemorate the exodus from Egypt. You have chosen us and sanctified us of all nations and Your words are true and will endure forever. Blessed are You, Hashem, King over the entire Earth, Who sanctifies Israel and the Day of Remembrance."

When Rosh Hashana coincides with Shabbos, we should conclude the bracha that God "sanctifies Shabbos, Israel and the Day of Remembrance," the same as we do in prayer.