893. Kiddush and Havdalah Other Than on Shabbos

Shabbos 29:17

Even if wine smells like vinegar, if it tastes like wine, kiddush may be recited over it. Kiddush may likewise be recited over diluted wine. Kiddush may also be recited over raisin wine so long as it is made from raisins that, if pressed, would exude a thick liquid. One may recite kiddush over grape juice that came straight from the wine press. One could even squeeze a cluster of grapes and recite kiddush over the juice that he produces. Even if most people in some land drink beer instead of wine, beer still may not be used for kiddush, though it may be used for havdalah because that land uses beer in the place of wine.

Shabbos 29:18

Just as we recite kiddush and havdalah on Friday and Saturday nights, we likewise recite kiddush and havdalah before holidays (yom tov), and after holidays and Yom Kippur because these days are all considered a kind of Shabbos. Havdalah is recited after a day of yom tov that leads to chol hamoed (the intermediate days of a holiday), and after a Shabbos that leads to a yom tov, but not after a yom tov that leads to Shabbos.