889. Reciting Kiddush Over Bread

Shabbos 29:9

If a person prefers bread to wine, or if he has no wine, he should wash his hands, recite haMotzi, and then kiddush. Afterwards, he breaks bread and eats. Havdalah, however, may not be recited over bread, only over wine.

Shabbos 29:10

If a person intended to recite kiddush over wine on Friday night but he forgot, and before reciting kiddush he washed his hands for bread, he should then recite kiddush over bread. One does not recite kiddush over wine after washing for bread. There is a mitzvah to recite a blessing over wine on Shabbos day before the second Shabbos meal. This is euphemistically referred to as “the great kiddush.” Only the bracha of Borei pri hagefen is recited. One then drinks from the wine, washes his hands and starts the meal. One is not permitted to taste any food before reciting kiddush. Daytime kiddush must also only be recited in the place where one will eat his meal.