888. The Procedure of Kiddush

Shabbos 29:7

The procedure for kiddush is as follows: one takes a cup that holds at least a reviis (about 3.3 ounces). He washes the inside thoroughly and rinses the outside, then fills it with wine. He holds it in his right hand, at least a handbreadth (about 3”) above the ground. One does not support his right hand with his left hand. He recites the blessing of Borei pri hagefen (that God created wine) followed by the kiddush. The common practice is to first recite the section of Vayechulu (Genesis 2:1-3) and then hagefen and kiddush. One should drink at least a cheekful of wine, and then give some to all the others at the meal. After this, one washes his hands, recites haMotzi (the blessing that God created bread), and eats.

Shabbos 29:8

Kiddush must be recited in the place where one eats. One may not recite kiddush in one house (or room) and eat in another, though one may recite kiddush in one corner of a room and eat his meal in a different corner. Kiddush is recited in shul for the benefit of guests who eat and drink there.