Friday Mincha, Maariv and Kabbalat Shabbat

Earliest Mincha before Shabbat

The earliest mincha before Shabbat is one-half hour after halachic midday, as with all mincha prayers.

Saying Mincha after Lighting Shabbat Candles

A woman or girl who has already lit Shabbat candles may not say mincha for Friday afternoon, even if she lit (after plag ha'mincha but) long before sunset time, unless she intended not to begin Shabbat when she was lighting the candles (and intending to begin later should only be done in urgent situations, not routinely).

Ideal Time for Ma'ariv

The ideal time for ma'ariv on Friday night is whenever will make everyone (or most people!) happy. It can be any time from plag ha'mincha (1 1/4 halachic hours before sunset), until 72 minutes before sunrise, but should properly be said before midnight.

Saying Ma'ariv at Plag HaMincha

You may say ma'ariv on Friday afternoon (erev Shabbat) as early as plag ha'mincha (1 1/4 halachic hours before sunset), as long as you say mincha before saying ma'ariv. So, if it is now plag ha'mincha, you may say mincha and then follow it as soon as you wish with ma'ariv.

NOTE: On erev Shabbat, you do not need to say mincha before plag ha'mincha in order to say ma'ariv before sunset. This is unlike on weekdays, when you must say mincha before plag in order to say ma'ariv before sunset.

Answering Kedusha If You Accepted Shabbat

SITUATION: You have begun Shabbat early and you are at a minyan where they are saying kedusha for Friday.

WHAT TO DO: Reply to kedusha.

Beginning Shabbat Early When Friday is Rosh Chodesh

SITUATION: You begin Shabbat early when Rosh Chodesh falls on Friday.

WHAT TO DO: Do not say ya'aleh v'yavo in ma'ariv (along with the normal Shabbat prayers).

Ideally, Start Kabbalat Shabbat Before Sunset

Kabbalat Shabbat should ideally be started before sunset, and you should ideally get to bo'i challa at about sunset time. But you may start Kabbalat Shabbat after sunset and even after dark.

Latest Time To Say Kabbalat Shabbat

The latest time to finish saying Kabbalat Shabbat is before daybreak on Saturday morning.

Kabbalat Shabbat and Jewish Festivals

Kabbalat Shabbat is mostly omitted when Shabbat falls on:

  • Jewish festivals,
  • Chol ha'moed, and
  • Right after the last day of a Jewish festival.

On these days, only Mizmor shir... and Adonai malach... are said.

Directions for Lecha Dodi

When saying Lecha Dodi:

  • Face your normal direction for the first stanzas;
  • For bo'i v'shalom, ideally, face the entrance to the synagogue(but the common practice is to face away from the aron kodesh).

Saying VaYechulu with Others

Friday night, it is a nice custom for men to say va'yechulu with at least one other man. It is best (but not required) to say va'yechulu with the entire minyan.

REASON: The idea is that we are attesting (with other people, as in a court) to God's having created the world.

Copyright 2015 Richard B. Aiken. Halacha L’Maaseh appears courtesy of Visit their web site for more information.